
Safeguarding is a priority here

New Generation Church is committed to keeping the welfare of any child or young person who is involved at any point of our services paramount, ensuring that they are valued, listened to and respected. 

All children or young people, whatever their gender, disability, racial or ethnic background, religious beliefs or sexual orientation have a right to a safe and caring environment when participating in any activities run by New Generation Church and to equal protection from any form of exploitation or abuse. 

Everyone working or volunteering with us, including its trustees, employees, agency staff and volunteers is responsible for ensuring all children are safe.


New Generation Church is committed to the safeguarding of children and adults with care and support needs and ensuring their well-being.

  • We recognise that we all have a responsibility to help prevent the physical, sexual, psychological, financial and discriminatory abuse and neglect of adults at risk of harm and abuse and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.
  • We recognise that the personal dignity and rights of adults and will ensure all our policies and procedures will reflect this.
  • We believe all adults should enjoy and have access to every aspect of the life of New Generation Church.
  • We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with children and adults with care and support needs.
  • We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure that children we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are experiencing significant harm.

We are committed to:

  • Following statutory guidelines in relation to safeguarding children and adults and will ensure that as an organisation, all workers will work within the agreed procedure of our safeguarding policy.
  • Implementing the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005, Equality Act 2010 and all other relevant legislation.
  • Supporting, resourcing and training those who undertake this work.
  • Ensuring that we are keeping up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding.
  • Ensuring that everyone agrees to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by New Generation Church.
  • Supporting all in the organisation affected by abuse.

We recognise:

  • Children’s Social Services has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a child. Adult Social Care has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about an adult with care and support needs.
  • Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the police should be contacted as a matter of urgency.
  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. 

We will review this statement and our policy annually.

If you have any concerns for a child or vulnerable adult, then speak to one of the following who have been approved as safeguarding co-ordinators for New Generation Church:

Dan Rouse – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Simon Dubbey – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Paula Weston – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Please see a list of helpful organisations to explore their website to find out more, explore key issues or reach out for support. 

  • thirtyone:eight: Provides safeguarding training, consultancy, and resources for churches and Christian organisations. Phone: 0303 003 1111. Website:
  • NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children): Provides a helpline, website, and resources for reporting child abuse and neglect. They also offer advice and support to professionals and families. Helpline: 0808 800 5000. Website:
  • Childline: A free, confidential helpline for children and young people. They can talk about anything, no matter how big or small. Helpline: 0800 1111. Website:
  • Prevent: A government strategy designed to stop people from being drawn into terrorism. Contact your local police or visit the government website for more information. Website: (This will direct you to relevant information and local contacts). You can report concerns anonymously via
  • Stop Domestic Abuse: Refuge and Women’s Aid are two leading charities:
  • Refuge: Refuge is the largest domestic abuse organisation in the UK. On any given day our services support thousands of women and their children, helping them to overcome the physical, emotional, financial and logistical impacts of abuse and rebuild their lives — free from fear. 0808 2000 247 
  • Women’s Aid: An important charity who are ‘ working together against domestic abuse until women and children are safe’ Helpline: 0808 2000 247
  • Samaritans: Provides confidential support for anyone in distress. Helpline: 116 123. Website:
  • Age UK: Offers support and advice for older people, including information about safeguarding. Helpline: 0800 678 1602. Website:
  • Ann Craft Trust: Specialises in the safeguarding of adults with learning disabilities. Phone: 0115 951 5400. Website:

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, but it covers some key organisations. If you have any immediate concerns about someone’s safety, contact the police or social services.

New Generation’s Safeguarding Policy can be viewed and/or a copy obtained from the office at New Generation Centre, Birkbeck Road Sidcup DA14 4DJ

Further details can be obtained from thirtyone:eight, PO Box 133, Swanley, Kent BR8 7UQ Telephone 0303 003 1111   Email    Web:


1. NGC Safeguarding Children Policy 2024

2. NGC Safeguarding Adults Policy 2024.docx

3. NGC Whistleblowing policy 2024.docx

4. NGC Anti-Bullying Policy 2024

5. NGC E-safety, mobile phone and social media policy 2024